by Mikel Martinez | May 26, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, Community, Marketing
Ante la situación del COVID-19 decidí adelantar la agenda en ciertas cosas que queria lograr en este 2020 tales como dar Webinars, hablar en Público más, conectar con gente fuera de Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos, y desarrollar esa area que tanto me apasiona que es el...
by Mikel Martinez | Nov 21, 2018 | Community, Entrepreneurship, Social Media
When we travel, we pack our bags with our belongings and set out our course, the adventure, the next gig. If it is an over the weekend, short or business trip there is a preference to have a carry on with us with the most important things we need on an immediate...
by Mikel Martinez | Nov 20, 2018 | Bitcoin, Community, Entrepreneurship, Ethereum, Marketing, Uncategorized
In today’s world of social media, forums, blogs, RSS feeds, email newsletters, podcasts, and meetups, is easier than ever to create and develop niche markets and zero-in to more specific wants and need for audiences. It used to be Rock ‘n’ Roll. Then...
by Mikel Martinez | Nov 13, 2018 | Community, Entertainment, Marketing, Music
While browsing the internet the other day I decided to check if there were any upcoming days that I needed to celebrate that were uniquely rare. To my surprise there were some that resonated with me, but this one is one in particular hits home. Symphonic Metal...